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The Terrible and Fantastic Fame of Classroom 13

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When famous agent Lucy LaRoux drops by Classroom 13, she makes an offer no one can refuse--she makes all of the students FAMOUS.You might think this was sweet, but it was not. It was selfish. (Lucy wants their money.) With great fame comes frightening stage fright, broken bones, rotten reality television, and other awful accidents. As the students of Classroom 13 are about to learn, being famous (or infamous) isn t always fun.What do YOU want to be famous for? The final chapter of each book encourages young readers to write their OWN chapter and send it in to the author, Honest Lee.The Fantastic and Terrible Fame of Classroom 13 is the third title in a new chapter book series of hilarious stories about a very unlucky classroom. Each story is full of humor, action, and fun that will prompt hours of conversation among friends, families, and classrooms.


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