KNIHA ZDARMA k romantice a erotice UŽ JEN DNES!

Between Strike and Flame


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Some plot twists you just don't recover from... Loveday Cardew prefers books to people. Her job in Brodie's Rare and Secondhand Bookshop, in the cobbled back streets of York, is her world. She's twenty-five, she's reclusive, and if you look carefully, you might see the first lines of the novels she loves the most tattooed on her skin. What Loveday will never show you, is that she is keeping a dark secret. But into the bookshop, and into Loveday's life, come a poet, a lover, a friend, and three mysterious deliveries, each of which stirs the unsettling memories she wants to forget. Turning the pages of her past will be the hardest thing Loveday has ever had to do. How far she can trust those around her? Can she right a heartbreaking wrong? And will she find the words to tell her own story? 'A book is the match in the smoking second between strike and flame. Archie says books are our best lovers and our most provoking friends. He's right, but I'm right too. Books can really hurt you. I thought I knew that... It turned out I had a lot to learn ...'
Informace o sortimentu
Druh sortimentu Kniha
Autor Stephanie Butland
Značka Bonnier Zaffre Ltd.
Rok vydání 2017
Pořadí vydání 1. vydání
Počet stran 368
ISBN 1785762591
EAN 9781785762598
Interní kód 0235178
Produktový manažer Jana Knopová (
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